General Surgery Blog

A doctor holding out his hand whilst a cartoon gallbladder hovers above the hand

A Guide To The Gallbladder: Everything You Need To Know

If you suffer from persistent symptoms of gallstones or you have a disease affecting your gallbladder, you may decide to opt for a private gallbladder...
3 surgeons carrying out gallbladder removal surgery on a patient

Gall Bladder Removal: Signs You May Need Gallbladder Surgery

Do you need gallbladder surgery? If you have gallstones in your gallbladder or bile duct, large gallbladder polyps, or pancreas inflammation from gallstones, there is...
3 surgeons operating on a patient

What Is GI Surgery? (Gastrointestinal Surgery)

If you have a medical condition which affects your digestive system, there is a chance that you might need surgery. In this blog, we look...
Young nurse in blue gown holding laparoscopic instrument

Open Hernia Surgery Vs Laparoscopic Surgery

Need to get a hernia repair done? You may have pondered what the difference is between the main types of surgery - open hernia surgery...